Why Chiropractic Adjustment?
Symptoms Don't Tell the Whole Story
Many problems arise gradually, and symptoms appear only when problems are advanced.
Many people avoid the symptoms initially, hoping the pain will just go away.
Chiropractic adjustments correct problems by restoring and maintaining normal function and biomechanics.
Chiropractic adjustments promote good functioning muscles and joints, which are more resistant to injury, illness, or degeneration.
Health is More than the Absence of Symptoms
Health is Viewed in Positive Terms of:
Human potential
Quality of Life
Resistance to Disease

Regular Chiropractic Care Helps
Regular chiropractic appointments can help maintain the following:
Restore and maintain full range of motion.
Promote full function.
Improve biomechanics.
Optimize performance and coordination.
Maintain joint stability.
Induce a sense of well-being and relaxation.
Improve nutrition to discs and other joints.
Reduce the risk of injury and degeneration.
The Chiropractic Adjustment
Chiropractors check the spine to evaluate the motion of joints.
Good motion is essential for the health and nutrition of discs and joints because it permits the exchange of nutrients, fluid, and waste.
Without movement discs and joints may degenerate quickly.
Fibrosis occurs in motionless joints and can lead to stiffness and degeneration.
Motion through adjustments reduces the formation of fibrosis.

Joints Can Have Disturbed Biomechanics Without Pain and Other Symptoms
Disturbed biomechanics (the “hitch in your get along”) can:
Reduce optimal performance.
Alter load distribution.
Increase risk of injury.
Accelerate degeneration.
Chiropractors identify such joints and through adjustments, restore normal biomechanics.
This helps optimize function and may reduce the risk for future problems.
Coordination and Control of Muscle Tone, Balance, and Stability
Restricted, painful joints transmit information to the nervous system which is not harmonious with input from other muscles and joints (PAIN)
This disturbs coordination, fine motor control, and joint stability (LOSS OF MOTION AND FUNCTION).
Chiropractors identify such joints and use spinal adjustments and exercise to help normalize motion and function.

A Chiropractic Exam Can...
​A Chiropractic exam can detect disturbed motion and mechanics whether there are symptoms or not.
Through chiropractic adjustments and exercise, motion and nutrition can be restored and maintained.
Relaxation and a sense of well-being are very common results of chiropractic care.
Joints with good biomechanics, relaxed muscle tone and stability will benefit the most from exercise and be the least likely to be injured.
Many athletes seek chiropractic care because they find it improves their performance and reduces the
risk for injury.
Some studies suggest chiropractic care can improve athletic ability, agility, balance, kinesthetic
awareness, power, speed, and reaction time.

Occupational Hazards
How one construction worker found relief without drugs
Ben left the construction site after another long day working in the sun feeling beat up and sore. He was used to feeling run down after work but the consecutive days of labor were finally taking its toll, and he felt more run down than usual.

When he made it home he immediately flopped onto the couch, looking for some relief from the tension in his back. His wife came to greet him and noticed he seemed to be in a lot of pain.
"His wife came to greet him and noticed he seemed to be in a lot of pain."
"Ben if you keep this up you're not going to be able to work, maybe you should see a doctor."
He sighed with frustration- he really didn't want to see a doctor. He had a buddy who experienced similar backpain and the MD's only solution was to prescribe pain killers, something Ben desperately did not want to get hooked on.
Over the weekend the couple went to dinner with another couple the two were friends with. Still in a lot of pain, Ben would rub his back and shift around trying to get comfortable.
"Ben," said his friend Dale, "it looks like your back hurts. Have you ever tried chiropractic?"
Ben had heard of chiropractic before but didn't know much about it. After their double date he went home and did some research, and he also found a chiropractor with walk-in hours nearby. He decided to stop in for an appointment when the office opened up after the weekend.
When his appointment came, the chiropractor asked him about his pain, what made it feel better or worse, and how it started. Ben answered his questions, then laid on the table for his first adjustment.
The chiropractor adjusted his back and the tension quickly released providing almost immediate relief to his pain.
"'The chiropractor adjusted his back and the tension quickly released providing almost immediate relief to his pain."
After days of suffering from severe back pain, Ben couldn't believe how good he felt. The chiropractor advised it may come back in a few days, especially if he continued to overwork it, but it would continue to improve over the next few sessions.
Ben had about 4 appointments, then noticed a drastic change. He could work longer without experiencing back pain, the back pain that would arise was less severe, and it would subside much faster. Ben was so grateful he was able to find relief from his pain without medicine, and even started to enjoy work again.

Jeff is an amazing person which translates into his art. He genuinely cares and is concerned for your health and body. I refer Jeff to friends co workers and customers. He takes time to listen and make sure you are comfortable and feeling better. I went in because I threw my back out Jeff helped me with that and even took time to work on my sinuses a bit. Thank you so much Jeff keep doing you!!!